Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ambigous UK newspaper headlines!

Hi guys! First of all, I have just taken the liberty to make some changes to the colors of this blog (do let me know if you're better with the previous settings and I'd change it back if you like).

Alright, let me share TWO hilarious newspaper headlines which I have taken from this website:

The first ONE that struck me most: Miners Refuse to Work after Death

My explanation: After their death or in other words when they are dead, surely their previous employers cannot expect them to resurrect and work again right?!

Hilarious number TWO: New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

Alright, fine. Some of you might not have gotten this one- it's alright I'd explain. Look closely at the word 'LARGER' in the above headline and consider the fact that obesity is being mentioned here. Obviously, the word 'LARGER' does refer to the number of people who are sought after to take the test and NOT the physical dimensions of each individual who is doing the test.

Please be kind to me-my explanation may really be very bad but.. you got it right?
Gary Chew

1 comment:

R Tang said...

Hi Gary. I love the "Miners refuse to work after death" example. Clearly, what was meant was something like "... the death of a fellow miner". See what happens when newspaper headlines zoom in only on the Head of a Noun Phrase, and leave out the premodifiers and postmodifiers!